Goblet squat

With the weight held in front of the chest situate the feet just over shoulder width apart with the feet pointed slightly outward. 

Upon descent shoulders should be pulled back, chest high and the head in a neutral position. To initiate the descent, engage the core, before flexing the ankles, knees, and hips simultaneously, making sure that the knees are tracking over the big toe. Heels should remain glued to the floor whilst the chest remains high and the spine in a neutral position. 

Upon ascent forceful triple extension of the ankle, knee, and hip occurs whilst simultaneously breathing out. Make sure that the knee continues to track over the big toe, with the head remaining upright and the eyes looking forward.


Back Squat

Using and overhand grip place hands just outside shoulder width apart and position the bar in the ‘high bar position’ on the upper trapezius. Keep the spine in a neutral position with the hips situated underneath the bar and shoulders pulled back.

When finding your stance, feet should be positioned just outside shoulder width with the feet pointed slightly outward. 

Upon descent shoulders should be pulled back, chest high and the head in a neutral position. To initiate the descent, take a deep breath in and hold, engage the core and pull down on the bar attempting to bend it. Flex at the ankles, knees, and hips simultaneously, making sure that the knees are tracking over the big toe. Heels should remain glued to the floor whilst the spine remains in a neutral position with the chest high. 

Upon ascent forceful triple extension of the ankle, knee, and hip occurs whilst simultaneously breathing out. Make sure that the knee continues to track over the big toe, with the head remaining upright and the eyes looking forward. 


Deadlift (traditional)

Position feet shoulder with apart with the bar situated over the bottom eyelets of your shoes. 

In preparation of the lift flex at the ankles, knees and hips with feet remaining flat on the floor. Using an overhand grip or alternate grip, grip the barbell just outside shoulder width. The bar should remain close to the shins, shoulders just in front of the bar and hips situated higher than the knees. 

Upon ascent, brace the trunk, lift the chest, retract the shoulders, and take a deep breath in. Stand up with the bar by extending the knees first. Once the bar has passed the knees, the knees and hip should extent simultaneously with the bar remaining close to the thighs and the chest up. Breath out as an erect stance is achieved. 

To return to the bar to the group hinge/flex at the hips (RDL) before bending the knees.


Romanian Dead Lift (RDL)

Grip the bar using an overhand or alternate grip just outside shoulder width. 

Soften the knees slightly (slight bend). Upon initiating the lift, breathe in, brace the trunk and lift the chest up. Flex at the hips, pushing them backwards whilst ensuring the back and head remains in a neutral position. Lower the bar until it touches the knee-cap. Return to stance by pushing the hips forward. The bar should remain close to/in contact with the thighs throughout the movement.


Split Stance RDL

A split stance is achieved by placing the feet in a staggered position. With feet hip width apart the back foot is positioned in line with the middle of the front foot. 

Grip the bar using an overhand or alternate grip just outside shoulder width. 

Soften the knees slightly (slight bend). Upon initiating the lift, breathe in, brace the trunk, and lift the chest up. Flex at the hips, pushing them backwards whilst ensuring the back and head remains in a neutral position. Lower the bar until it touches the knee-cap. Return to stance by pushing the hips forward. The bar should remain close to/in contact with the thighs throughout the movement.

Hip Thrust

You will need to use a bench or thruster to support your back throughout this exercise. 

Place your arms across your chest or place a barbell across the crease of your hips. Position the feet hip width apart and the knees at a right angle. There should be a straight line between your knees, hips and shoulders. Leading with the hips lower your buttocks to just above floor height. Upon ascending to the top position breathe in and engage your core musculature. Push explosively through your heels to extend your hips until there is a straight line between your knees, hips, and shoulders. Breath out at the top of the movement. 


Front Squat

With the bar remaining on the rack grip the bar slightly wider than shoulder width. Position yourself under the bar with it resting on your anterior deltoids (front of the shoulders), elbows shoulder be pointing up and forward. 

Once the bar is positioned comfortably, step away from the rack. To initiate the descent, brace the core and lift the elbows high. Keeping the chest high, flex at the ankles, knees, and hips, ensuring that the elbows remain high and the core musculature tight. Keep feet flat on the floor, squatting down until the thigh breaks parallel with the floor.  

Once in the bottom position, extend the hips and knees until an erect stance is achieved. 


Bulgarian Split Squat (RFESS)

For this exercise you will need a bench/step that is about knee height. 

Resting your back foot on the bench, find your stance by positing your front foot about half a metre from the bench. In this position your core should be tight, torso upright and hips square to your body. 

To initiate movement, lower your body until the thigh breaks horizontal to the ground, keeping the knee in line with and behind the toe. 

Upon ascent drive through the front heel and extend the hip, keeping the hips square and core tight.


Split Squat

To find your split stance take one step forward and position the foot 3-5 foot in front of you. In the bottom position both knees should be at a right angle. 

Keeping the chest high, core tight and torso straight, flex at the hips and squat down until the back knee skims the ground. The back heel should be off the ground throughout the movement, with the front heel remaining on the floor and the knee slightly behind the front of the foot. 

Once in the bottom position push the ground away and begin to extend the hips, whilst remaining in a straight upright position with the core engaged. 

Box Squat

Select a box that is roughly below/equal to knee height. 

Set your stance to just outside shoulder width with feet slightly pointed outward. 

To initiate movement, brace the core and push the hips back asif you were to sit down on a seat. It is important at this point to hold tension through the trunk and not relax once your buttocks has touched the bench. Pause briefly before extending the knees and hips, returning to the start position. 


Bent Over Row

Hold the barbell with an overhand grip (outside shoulder width), with the feet positioned shoulder width apart. 

To assume the start position, soften the knees and hinge at the hips bringing the torso slightly forward. Your core should be engaged, scapula retracted and back straight- almost parallel to the ground. 

From just below knee height, lift the barbell to just in front of your lower chest, ensuring the elbows remain tucked in. 

At the top position shoulders should be pulled back, and back muscles squeezed. Slowly lower the bar back to the start position and perform your next rep. 

Overhead Press

Gripping the bar with a overhand grip shoulder width apart, turn the bar over so that your elbows are pointing down and the bar is situated in front of your chest, below the chin. 

To initiate the lift, engage the core keeping the spine in a neutral position, squeeze your shoulder muscles and extend the elbows pressing towards the sky in a straight line. It is important that the chest remains high throughout each rep and the back straight. Once the elbows are fully extended and the bar is in the overhead position (arms in line with ears), slowly lower the bar with control back to the start position.


Swiss Ball Hamstring Curl

In the supine position (face up) place your heels on top of the swiss ball. To assume the start position, extend the hips so that there is a straight line between your ankles, knees, and hips. Shoulders remain on the ground and the torso straight. Keeping the hips high and the body in a straight line, flex the knees and bring the ball towards the buttocks. To return to the start position extend the knees.

Hamstring Bridge

With your back on the ground position the feet shoulder width apart with heels slightly elevated on a box, the knees should be bent to 140-160 degrees. To initiate the movement, engage your core musculature and extend the hips. Lower your buttock back to the ground by flexing at the hips, ensure that your lower back remains straight throughout the movement and touches the ground at the bottom position.


Glute bridge

With your back on the ground, position the feet shoulder width apart and the knees at 95 degrees. To initiate movement, engage the core musculature and extent the hips, creating a straight line between the knees, hips, and shoulders. At the top position squeeze the glutes before flexing the hips and lowering the buttocks to the ground.

Hamstring Walkout

With your back on the ground, position the heels shoulder width apart and knees bent to 120 degrees. To initiate movement, extent the hips and create a straight line between the knees, hips, and shoulders. Slowly step one heel out after the other until just before the body is horizontal. The buttocks should remain off the ground the hips high throughout the movement. 



Laying in a supine position, raise both legs to reflect a right angle at both the knees and hips. Arms should be straight, and fingers pointed towards the sky. 

Prior to initiating movement ensure your back is glued to the floor and core is engaged. Simultaneously, extend one leg and the opposite arm to just above the ground. Return to the top position and perform on the other side.  


Laying in a prone position, extend your arms and position them in line with the ears. Keeping the legs straight, head in a neutral position and core tight, extend the lower back, raising both the arms and legs simultaneously, return to a neutral position and perform the next repetition.



Beginning on all fours, place the keens underneath the hips and hands underneath the shoulders, with the back remaining in a neutral position and core musculature engaged. Prior to initiating movement draw the shoulders back. Simultaneously, raise one arm and the opposite leg until a straight line from fingertip to toe is evident. The head is to remain in a neutral position looking down at the floor. With control return to the start position and perform on the other side.

Supine hold

For this exercise you will need to use a glute/ham machine. 

With your face looking to the roof, position your hips in line with the pad of the machine with both legs remaining straight. To initiate the movement, engage the core and lean back to a position just above horizontal and hold. It is important that the trunk remains tight and straight throughout the exercise.



Using a glute-ham machine set it up so that your hips are in line with the front pad. To assume the start position anchor your feet into the machine, straighten the torso and lower creating a 45-degree angle. With the hands cross over the chest, initiate movement by contracting the glutes and extending the hips until the body is horizontal. Lower with control and repeat.

Calf Raises

With the chest high and the trunk in a neutral position, push through the balls of the feet and flex the ankles until stood tall on the toes. Ensure that during this movement the knee is kept straight and does not flex at any point. Lower the heels with control and repeat. 

With a bend in the knee, chest high and trunk neutral, push through the ball of the foot, raising the heel until stood tall on the toes. Lower the heel with control and repeat.


Med ball leg squeeze

Positioning the med. ball between the knees, in a seated position, squeeze the legs together and hold. Ensure that the core remains engaged throughout and trunk in a neutral position.

Copenhagen adductor / Straight leg adductor holds

Using a bench that is no higher than knee height, position yourself on your side with the inside of the top foot supported by the bench. To initiate the exercise, lift your body off the ground distributing weight evenly between the elbow and bench support. Ensure the body is straight and a line can be drawn between the ankle, knee, hips and shoulders. Hold this position engaging the trunk, adductors and keeping the head in a neutral position. 


Adductor plate slides

In a standing position, place a plate (≤2.5kg) under the ball of one foot. With the chest high and trunk neutral slide the plate laterally away from the body, keeping the leg straight. The supporting knee should have minimal bend. Once range has been reached drag the plate back to the body with control and repeat.

Front Plank / Prone Hold

Facing the ground raise your body off the ground equally distributing weight between the elbows and the toes. Creating a straight line from head to toe engage the core and draw the scapula together, hold this position making sure the hips stay high. 


Side Plank

Lying on your side raise your body off the ground equally distributing weight between the elbows and feet. Creating a straight line from head to toe engage the core and draw the top shoulder back, hold this position making sure the hips stay high. 


Side plank w/ knee drive;


Lying on your side raise your body off the ground equally distributing weight between the elbows and feet. Creating a straight line from head to toe engage the core and draw the top shoulder back. Once stable flex the top knee drawing it up towards the body. Extend the knee returning it to the start position. Ensure the hips remain stable, with minimal movement through the trunk. 

Renegade rows

In the prone position, lift your body off the ground equally distributing your weight between the dumbbells and toes, whilst engaging the core and keeping the spine neutral. Hands should be positioned underneath the shoulders. To initiate movement, flex one elbow pulling the DB towards the chest, ensure the scapula are pulled back and the hips remain stable and square throughout the movement. Extending the elbow, return the DB to the floor with control and repeat on the other side.


Walking Lunges

Flexing both knees take a large step forward, lowering your body towards the ground. You should aim to create a 90-degree angle at both knees. Ensure that the front knee stays behind the toe and the torso remains straight and engaged. The hips should also remain square throughout the movement. Extend both knees raising your back knee from the ground before following through with another step.   

Palloff Press

Using either a resistance band or cable machine, stand sideways with your inside shoulder positioned horizontal to the equipment. Grasping the cable with both hands step away until the cable becomes taught. With the feet positioned shoulder width apart and the knees slightly bent, hold the cable close to the middle of the chest. To initiate the movement, engage the core and extend both arms out in front of the body. Ensure that the torso does not rotate towards the machine. Pause before flexing the elbows, returning the cable back towards the chest.


Double leg hold

Laying in a supine position, engage the core and lift the legs off the ground keeping them straight. Find a position that challenges the core whilst ensure the lower back remains glued to the ground.

Reverse Lunge

Flexing both knees take a large step backwards, simultaneously lowering your body towards the ground. You should aim to create a 90-degree angle at both knees. Ensure that the front knee stays behind the toe and the torso remains straight and engaged. The hips should also remain square throughout the movement. Extend both knees raising your back knee from the ground before returning the lead foot back to the starting position.


Kettlebell pull through

In a high plank position, with the hands underneath the shoulders. Place the KB outside of one shoulder, using the opposite arm reach for the KB pulling it through past the chest to the outside of the same shoulder. Repeat using the other arm. 

Kettlebell Swing

To find your stance, position the feet shoulder width apart and slightly turned outwards. Flex the knees whilst hinging at the hips, griping the KB placed between your legs. Pull the KB back behind you in order to create momentum. Drive the hips forward with the arms remaining straight whilst holding the KB. The back should remain straight, with the KB traveling no further than shoulder height. Return the KB back between your legs and repeat.


Press Up

In the prone position place your hands on the floor next to your shoulders at a 45-degree angle. Keeping the elbows close to the body, engage the core, pull the shoulders back and begin to push your body away from the ground. The trunk should remain in a neutral position with the head still.