Have you been struggling with your nutrition in training and racing?
Perhaps you have even had gastro-intenstinal distress syndrome resulting in poor performance or health issues.
Nutrition is a critical component of the preparation for endurance sport, and can influence the physiological adaptations to the training via several means. While most athletes consider nutrition to play a fundamental role in performance, many still neglect the basic recommendations.
By implementing appropriate nutritional strategies to match your own needs and demands of training and racing, you can maximise your health & performance.
Nutritional coaching
Coaching all aspects of health and nutrition, we can help you optimise your day to day health and nutrition to perform at your best in all aspects of life. This is using the Precision Nutrition philosophies and methods.
Training and race planning
Don’t let bad nutrition get in the way of a great performance.
Through CORE nutrition planning we provide personalised, science based, nutrition plans for both in training and racing.
Contact us.
To find out more and have an initial converstation please contact us via email