After a key event we must ensure full recovery before restarting training

  • Don't start back too soon

    Give your mind and body the time it needs. Take time to relax and reflect on the journey you have been on. A good rule is that when you think you are ready to restart training…. wait another day or two.

  • Treat any injured areas

    Blisters, chaffing, sore tendons, whatever little niggles you may have picked up during the event make sure you address these quickly. Seek medical / professional help as required.

  • Restore good movements

    Often we can be stiff and sore after a hard event leading to altered movements. Use gentle strength and mobility exercises to restore good posture and movements with pilates or yoga routines.

  • Restore resilience

    Building on the pilates and yoga, restore tissue capacity with some low level strength and conditioning work, initially just body weight but then gradually increasing the weights.

  • Remove impact

    Active recovery but low stress and impact is key initially. Let the tendons and bones recover. Swimming, cycling, walking is all that is required initially. This is still active recovery, so relax and enjoy the views - it’s not ‘training’ yet.

  • Massage

    As part of the restoring mobility we want to book a couple of massage sessions to supplement the yoga / stretching / mobility work you are doing independently.

  • Rest is more than just sleep

    Ensure you address all aspects of rest. Give your mind, body and spirit the time needed to fully recharge again. See rest and recovery for more reading on this.

  • Reconnect with friends and family

    Training and then performing at a key event becomes a very selfish endeavour, recognise this and ensure you then spend time after the event reconnecting with your loved ones. However, you must also ensure these social events do not create additional fatigue.

  • Nourish your body and soul

    Eat all the food! You need to nourish your body and soul, food is not simply fuel but is something to be enjoyed. Seek out those foods which give you pleasure, whatever they may be! But be mindful that your body will be requiring lots of good fats to restore your hormonal (endocrine) system as well as any nerve damage, plus proteins to rebuild those muscles.